
Autonomous Solar Flight of Sky-Sailor
Large (3.21 Mb Duration 1 min)
Small (1.40 Mb Duration 1 min)

Sky-Sailor Graphical User Interface (GUI)

High Quality Mpeg2 (78 Mb Duration 80 sec)
Low Quality Mpeg2 (22 Mb Duration 80 sec)
High Quality Wmv (26 Mb Duration 80 sec)
Low Quality Wmv (8 Mb Duration 80 sec)

Sky-Sailor flight Simulation (Matlab Model)
Large view (22.4 Mb Duration 16 sec)
Close view (21.7 Mb Duration 16 sec)
Body frame view (7.7 Mb Duration 16 sec)

Sky-Sailor flight Simulation (X-Plane simulator model)
Large view (3.8 Mb Duration 53 sec)

Sky-Sailor exploiting Thermals Simulation - Semester Project for Master Degree of Jannick Fenner
Simulation video (33 Mb Duration 40 sec)

Solar Flight of 0.8 m wingspan Sun-Surfer
Large (4.18 Mb Duration 1 min 33 sec)
Small (15.29 Mb Duration 1 min 33 sec)